

1977 - 1982ERKI (today’s Estonian Academy of Arts) department of architecture

1991 aug.-sept.EPFL (Lausanne)

1982 RPI Eesti Tööstusprojekt (Estonian Industrial Design)

1982 - 1984 artist in soviet army

1984 - 1989 RPI Eesti Projekt (Estonian National Design)

1989 - 2000Arhitektuuribüroo Urbel ja Peil OÜ

2000 to presentArhitektibüroo Emil Urbel OÜ

1995 - 2005 Estonian Academy of Arts, the department of interior architecture

2012 to presentTallinn University of Technology, Academy of Architecture and Urban Studies

- Member of the Union of Estonian Architects
- UEA A.Kotli award for young architect - 1990
- Annual architecture prize of the Estonian Cultural Endowment - 1996
(Villa Sumberg and Villa Vigand)
- Annual architecture prize of the Estonian Cultural Endowment - 2000
(School of Rocca al Mare)
- Annual architecture prize of the Estonian Cultural Endowment - 2003
(Aaviku residential area)
- Annual architecture prize of the Estonian Cultural Endowment - 2012
(Boathouse of Vilsandi sea rescue station)